New Project (2)

April 24th 15:30 - 19:30 Virum Disc Golf Course


You are once again invited to the annual CIDGC – Cookie Information Disc Golf Championship!


It will be a Team competition on Wednesday the 24th of April 15:30 – 19:30.

You will be assigned a Team prior to the competition.

The Championship will be hosted in Virum Disc Golf Course.

Use Form to sign up! RSVP before April 12th!


15:00 leave the offices by S-train

15:30 arrival in Virum

15:30 – 16:30 introduction to Disc Golf and Practice
16:45 Tournament start
17:45 Tournament end
18:00 Prizes!

18:30 Dinner and drinks (read: Takeaway and a crate of beers)

19:30 Event over

OBS! If you already know that Disc Golf is not your thing, you are more than welcome to join only for food and a beer.

Please watch this instruction video before the Tournament