
A style created by Sebastian Barrett
The influencer Sebastian Barrett, shot by Marc Southwell

Sebastian Barrett or JeSuisSebastian as his influencer name is, is one of the most notable male fashion influencers in Scandinavia. He produces high quality content and has a style that mixes classic Scandinavian mens wear with a personal twist.

Sebastian has been a personal friend, a sparring partner, and a huge inspiration to me. I have helped him with his Wix website, photoshoots, picture editing, and social media strategising. He wanted to create a universe that appeals to the modern man that is conscious about his style and in the way he presents himself.

Jesuissebastian Marc Southwell
Sebastian with his meticulous preppy style.

I still work closely with Sebastian and learn from him about social media marketing. He was voted as one of the best dressed males in Denmark of 2016. He has a bright future ahead of him and it is always nice to get some tips on clothing from him! I recommend you guys to go and check out his blog and Instagram to get inspiration!

JeSuisSebastian official website

JeSuisSebastian offical Instagram



Sebastian Barrett, Influencer at